Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the XA Diversity Trainers Class

    • Welcome to the XA Trainers Class

  • 2

    Week 1

    • How context and worldview form our perspectives

    • How does culture affect the way we understand Scripture?

    • The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro by Frederick Douglass

    • Week One Zoom Recording

  • 3

    Week 2

    • Thinking in a New Way

    • NTWO-Thinking-Ebook-v5

  • 4

    Week 3

    • Kingdom of God: Why does it matter

    • Gordon Fee, the Kingdom of God (pt 1 of 2) - the Nature of the Kingdom

    • The Kingdom of God Concepts and Ideas Primarily Summarized from Gordon Fee Kingdom of God Videos Teaching with some additions by Belkis Lehmann

    • Zoom Recording

  • 5

    Week 4

    • Kingdom of God Continued

    • Gordon Fee, the Kingdom of God (pt 2 of 4) - the Mystery of the Kingdom

    • Class Zoom Recording

  • 6

    Week 5

    • Formation: How do we form a kingdom community

    • Four Ways to Avoid the White Savior Complex in Missions

    • Article: "Not Safe Even at Church"

    • Re-Thinking Homogeneity: The Biblical Case for Multi-Ethnic Churches

    • Zoom recording

  • 7

    Week 6

    • Conformation: Conforming our community to the image of Christ

    • The New Mestiza

    • An Introduction to Unconscious Bias

    • Book Summary: "Divided by Faith" by Michael Emerson and Christian Smith

    • ClassZoom Recording

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    Week 7

    • Tranformation: Living a kingdom ethic in the world

    • The Mission of Jesus

    • Gordon Fee, the Kingdom of God (pt 4 of 4) - the Ethics of the Kingdom

    • Article: "Urban Apologetics"

    • Zoom Class Recording

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    Chapter 8

    • Gospelization: Making the gospel the context for everything

    • Maintaining the Unity of the Spirit

    • An Introduction to CRT

    • Zoom class recording

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    More Resources

    • Why We Should Stop Using the Term 'White Guilt' - Racial Justice Series: Part 5 [Soong-Chan Rah (11 Minutes)

    • "Paul and the Shattered Wall" Dr. Craig Keener

    • Understanding Race and Reconciliation in the USA

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    Class Recordings

    • Week 1

    • Week 2

    • Week 3

    • Week 4

    • Week 5

    • Week 6

    • week 7